Is My Partner Likely To Cheat On Me Quiz?

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Clinically Approved By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
Christiana Njoku
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Christiana Njoku is a certified relationship coach and marriage mentor from the prestigious Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs in Stafford, USA. A seasoned relationship... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4687 | Updated: Jun 26, 2024
Is My Partner Likely to Cheat on Me Quiz?

In any relationship, the fear of potential infidelity can arise at some point. However, there are individuals who constantly think about the possibility of being betrayed.

Some of them are very jealous by nature, while others have serious reasons to worry about their partner having an affair. So, which one is your case?

Are you the paranoid one, or is your partner the deceitful kind?

Is your partner likely to cheat on you? Take this simple quiz to find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often is your partner using their phone for personal stuff?

A. Almost all the time and they are hiding it from me

B. Frequently

C. Every now and then

D. Rarely

2. Has your partner changed their habits or looks drastically in the last period of time?

A. Yes, they have a new life I know nothing about

B. Sort of

C. Not really

D. No, they are the same

3. Does your partner come home late often?

A. Every day

B. A couple of times a week

C. Maybe once a week

D. Rarely

4. How often do you and your partner have sex?

A. Rarely

B. Once a week

C. A couple of times a week

D. Almost every day

5. Does your partner put himself before everything?

A. All the time

B. Frequently

C. Sometimes

D. Never

6. What do you mostly argue about?

A. About any stupid little thing

B. Our relatives

C. Work and home issues

D. Serious stuff like future plans

7. How is their social media activity?

A. Making lots of new friends and following good-looking men or women

B. Keeping in touch with friends and coworkers

C. Talking to old friends every once in a while

D. Not very active

8. How often do you feel you connect to each other?

A. Rarely

B. A couple of times a week

C. Maybe once a day

D. All the time

9. How often do you surprise your partner?

A. Never

B. You are talking about Christmas gifts, right?

C. Maybe once a month

D. Constantly

10. How did you two meet?

A. We started going out together before his previous relationship had ended

B. They had just finished a relationship

C. Through a common acquaintance

D. By chance

11. How much time do your partners spend with you these days?

A. Hardly any

B. Few hours once a week

C. We take meals together at least

D. All their free time is mine

12. How often do they go on outings alone?

A. Almost everyday

B. Every 2-3 days

C. Once a week

D. Once in a month

13. How would you describe your intimacy?

A. Dull and boring

B. Not very good

C. Decent

D. Pretty good

14. Do you think they make financial expenses out of your knowledge?

A. Yes

B. I think so

C. I'm not sure

D. No

15. How often do you catch them lying to you?

A. Almost every day

B. Many times

C. Not very often

D. That's rare

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