Is My Daughter A Narcissist Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 9454 | Updated: Jan 21, 2025
Is My Daughter a Narcissist Quiz

You've probably heard the term "narcissist" before, often describing someone who is excessively self-centered and arrogant.

When your own daughter displays narcissistic traits, it can lead to significant challenges in your relationship with her, leaving you feeling frustrated, hurt, and even helpless at times.

If you suspect that your daughter might be a narcissist, taking the "Is my daughter a narcissist?" quiz can help provide clarity.

Remember, if she is indeed a narcissist, professional treatment is often necessary to address and change her behavior.

Questions Excerpt

1. How does your daughter typically react to criticism?

A. She accepts constructive criticism well and tries to improve herself.

B. She becomes defensive and blames others, refusing to acknowledge any fault.

C. She sometimes gets upset but might later consider the feedback.

2. How does your daughter handle compliments from others?

A. She accepts them graciously and shows appreciation

B. She enjoys compliments but sometimes seeks validation excessively

C. She thrives on compliments and becomes upset if she feels overlooked

3. How does your daughter respond to boundaries set by others?

A. She respects boundaries and values open communication

B. She sometimes pushes boundaries but will back off when confronted

C. She ignores boundaries and often manipulates situations to get what she wants

4. How does your daughter treat people who cannot offer her anything in return?

A. She treats everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their status

B. She’s generally polite but may prioritize relationships based on personal gain

C. She dismisses or ignores people who don’t serve her interests

5. Does your daughter take responsibility for her mistakes?

A. She owns up to her mistakes and works to fix them

B. She might admit fault but often shifts some blame onto others

C. She denies responsibility entirely and blames others for the consequences

6. How does your daughter react when someone challenges her ideas or opinions?

A. She listens, considers their perspective, and responds thoughtfully

B. She becomes defensive but eventually acknowledges they might have a point

C. She refuses to consider other opinions and insists she’s always right

7. How would your daughter react if someone else took credit for her work?

A. She might feel upset but would address the issue calmly and professionally.

B. She would be furious, demanding recognition and possibly seeking revenge.

C. She'd be annoyed and might bring it up later, but she'd let it slide for the most part.

8. How does your daughter handle situations where she doesn't get her way?

A. She might be disappointed but ultimately accepts it and moves on.

B. She throws a tantrum, becomes angry, and might try to manipulate the situation to get what she wants.

C. She might sulk or argue for a while but eventually gives in.

9. Does your daughter often compare herself to others?

A. Rarely she focuses on her own goals and doesn't worry much about what others are doing.

B. Constantly, she often feels superior or inferior based on these comparisons.

C. Occasionally, she might compare herself to others but doesn't dwell on it.

10. How does your daughter respond when others achieve success?

A. She feels genuinely happy for them and celebrates their achievements.

B. She becomes jealous and dismisses their accomplishments as unimportant or undeserved.

C. She might congratulate them, but deep down, she feels envious and wishes it were her.

11. Does it seem your daughter feels no remorse when she hurts someone’s feelings?

A. No. She feels bad when she offends someone.

B. She has no remorse at all. She lashes out at us and never sees how hurtful it is.

C. She doesn’t often feel guilty when she hurts someone’s feelings. If she does something extremely hurtful, she might feel regret.

12. Does your daughter need fancy things? 

A. Yes. She needs to have the most expensive car, purse, phone, etc. She blames me for making her look bad if she doesn’t get what she wants.

B. No, she’s pretty simple. She was so happy with the used economy car we got her for her 18th birthday!

C. She sometimes enjoys expensive things and wants to look put together.

13. If you had to cancel plans with your daughter, how would she react?

A. She’d insist that I’m a horrible parent for not making her a priority, and she might not speak to me for a few days.

B. She’d probably be frustrated, but she would calm down after I explained the situation.

C. She’d understand my need to reschedule.

14. Would you say that your daughter has a sense of entitlement?

A. Always. She wants special treatment at all times, even if she hasn’t done anything to deserve it.

B. She can come across as somewhat entitled because she knows what she wants and expects to get it.

C. I wouldn’t say that. She doesn’t have trouble going after what she wants, but she doesn’t expect it to be handed to her.

15. Does your daughter ever come across as though she feels she is better than everyone else?

A. I wouldn’t say so. She is fairly humble.

B. Yes, she prides herself on being superior and will go so far as to talk down to or degrade others.

C. She can come across as pretty haughty at times.

16. What would happen if your daughter wanted something that she couldn’t get on her own?

A. She would find a way to make it happen if she wanted it.

B. She might charm her way into getting someone to do her a favor.

C. She would be willing to do whatever she could to get what she wanted, even if it meant making up a sob story and manipulating someone to give her money.

17. Which of the following best describes your daughter? 

A. She is lovely and caring.

B. She can sometimes have a hard time seeing things from others’ points of view.

C. It often seems like she has no concern for other people’s feelings, and she doesn’t care if she has to hurt someone to look good.

18. How would your daughter react if you told her “no” to something she wanted?  

A. She might bug me for a bit or ask for an explanation, but she’d let it go pretty quickly.

B. When I tell her "no," she lashes out and then doesn't speak to me for days.

C. We might have a big argument, and she’d question my decision.

19. Does your daughter enjoy being the center of attention?

A. I wouldn’t say she enjoys it. She doesn’t mind if someone congratulates her, but she doesn’t seek out attention.

B. She must always be the center of attention, or she will pout.

C. She sometimes enjoys talking about herself and having all eyes on her.

20. How likely are you to get an apology out of your daughter? 

A. She is never the first to apologize, even if she is wrong.

B. She often apologizes when it’s clear she’s wrong.

C. She occasionally apologizes, but sometimes she feels as if she hasn’t done anything wrong, and she won’t apologize.

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