Can I Get My Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 3232 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Can I Get My Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever Quiz?

Do you still love your Ex? Do you want to get him/her back? Some relationships are over when you break-up, but some can be restored and made even stronger. If you still feel like you love your ex and want him back, maybe he feels the same and it's time to make a move and try to get him back in your life. 
How to know? Take this Can I Get My Ex Back Or Is He Gone Forever quiz and find out if there's a chance to be together again:

Questions Excerpt

1. Does he have a new girlfriend?

A. Nope.

B. Not as I know.

C. He has someone, but he says she's just a friend.

D. Yes.

2. Do you still communicate?

A. Yes, we chat all the time.

B. Sometimes.

C. Just saying hello when we see each other in person.

D. Nope.

3. How is your social network relationship?

A. Like always, he likes my posts and we chat all the time.

B. We chat sometimes.

C. He ignores me.

D. He blocked me.

4. Did he ever say "I love you"?

A. Yes, he did. Many times.

B. He said a couple of times.

C. He said once.

D. Never.

5. What does he post on social networks?

A. Emotional songs and love quotes.

B. Usual stuff.

C. He doesn't post anything.

D. I don't know, he blocked me.

6. Why did you break up?

A. I dumped him, I made a mistake.

B. I cheated on him.

C. He dumped me, he says he needs more space.

D. He cheated on me.

7. What did he love about you?

A. My personality.

B. My smile.

C. I was always there for him.

D. He never said anything.

8. What did you love about him?

A. His sense of humor.

B. His personality.

C. His style.

D. That he was rich.

9. Are you ready to change for him?

A. Yes.

B. Maybe.

C. I think there's nothing wrong with me, but I'd try.

D. Why would I change?

10. Did he change anything about his appearance?

A. No, nothing, he's still the same.

B. Just a haircut.

C. He bought some new clothes.

D. Yes, he's some punk rocker now or something.

11. Do you both meet often?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. With friends

D. Not anymore

12. Does he often talk about the good old days?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. He has mentioned a couple of times only right after the break up

D. Never

13. Do his friends/ mutual friends keep telling you about him?

A. Yes, mostly

B. Sometimes when I ask

C. We don’t have mutual friends

D. No

14. Have you both got your respective things back from each other1?

A. No

B. We decided it’s not necessary

C. I have, he hasn’t

D. Yes

15. Has he encouraged you to move on?

A. No

B. Only while we were breaking up

C. We don’t talk anymore

D. Yes

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