1. How long have you known your boyfriend?
2. Would you consider yourself to be compatible with your boyfriend?
3. Do you and your boyfriend share the same vision for the relationship?
4. What do you and your boyfriend do when the both of you have spare time?
5. Are the two of you able to laugh and joke together?
6. Describe your sex life with your boyfriend.
7. How do you and your boyfriend deal with touchy topics, such as finance, politics, and religion?
8. Are you constantly questioning your relationship?
9. How do you and your partner deal with arguments?
10. Can you be yourself around your partner?
11. How often do you and your partner engage in deep, meaningful conversations?
12. How do you and your partner handle surprises and unexpected changes?
13. Do you and your partner have similar long-term goals and aspirations?
14. How often do you and your partner express appreciation or affection for each other?
15. How does spending time apart affect your relationship with your partner?