Am I Good Girlfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1785 | Updated: Aug 16, 2024
Am I Good Girlfriend Quiz

Relationships are built on love, trust, and mutual understanding. If you've ever questioned how you're doing as a girlfriend, this quiz, "Am I a good girlfriend?" will help you reflect on your relationship behaviors.

Explore your strengths and areas where you might grow to support a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you typically handle disagreements with your partner?

A. I tend to shut down and avoid the conversation

B. I calmly express my feelings and listen to their side

C. I try to find a compromise that works for both of us

2. When your partner is upset, how do you respond?

A. I feel annoyed or defensive and often dismiss their feelings

B. I ask them what's wrong and offer my support

C. I empathize with their emotions and try to help them feel better

3. How often do you express appreciation for your partner?

A. Rarely, I assume they know how I feel

B. Occasionally, when I remember to do so

C. Regularly, through words or small gestures

4. How do you approach decisions that affect both of you?

A. I usually decide on my own, assuming they'll be fine with it

B. I discuss it with them, but sometimes I make the final decision

C. I involve them fully, ensuring we both agree on the decision

5. How do you handle your partner's quirks or habits that annoy you?

A. I often criticize or complain about them

B. I try to tolerate them, but sometimes I can't help but mention them

C. I accept them as part of who they are and focus on the positives

6. How do you balance time with your partner and time for yourself?

A. I mostly focus on my own needs and interests

B. I try to balance it, but sometimes I struggle to prioritize them

C. I make sure to spend quality time with them while also respecting my own needs

7. How do you handle your partner's successes or achievements?

A. I feel jealous or insecure about their achievements

B. I congratulate them but sometimes feel overshadowed

C. I genuinely celebrate their success and support them

8. When you're upset with your partner, how do you communicate it?

A. I tend to keep it to myself, letting resentment build

B. I bring it up after some time, but it often leads to an argument

C. I calmly discuss my feelings and work through the issue together

9. How do you handle your partner's opinions or beliefs that differ from yours?

A. I often dismiss or argue against them

B. I listen but don't really engage with their perspective

C. I respect their views and try to understand where they're coming from

10. How do you contribute to your relationship?

A. I mostly focus on what I need from the relationship

B. I try to contribute but sometimes fall short

C. I actively work to ensure both of us are happy and fulfilled

11. How do you react when your partner wants to spend time with their friends without you?

A. I feel insecure and try to discourage them

B. I feel a little uneasy but let them go

C. I encourage them to enjoy time with their friends and do the same for myself

12. How do you handle your partner's emotional needs?

A. I find it difficult to understand or meet their emotional needs

B. I try to meet their needs, but sometimes I struggle

C. I prioritize their emotional well-being and offer support whenever needed

13. When your partner shares their dreams or goals, how do you respond?

A. I might not take them seriously or brush them off

B. I listen but don't actively engage or support

C. I show interest and encourage them to pursue their dreams

14. How often do you surprise your partner with something thoughtful?

A. Rarely, I don't really think about it

B. Occasionally, when I feel it's necessary

C. Often, I enjoy doing little things to make them happy

15. How do you handle discussions about the future of your relationship?

A. I avoid them because they make me uncomfortable

B. I engage in them but feel unsure or anxious

C. I openly discuss our future and make plans together

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