What Type Of Relationship Do You Have?

Marriage.com Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1937 | Updated: Feb 20, 2024
What Type Of Relationship Do You Have?

Those in a relationship know that relationships are different from one person to another. They depend on both partner's personalities and on how compatible they are. You have relationships based on money where the two people agree to stay together to help their bank accounts flourish even more. 

You also have those who get together because they are simply compatible and feel they can't live without each other. So, in what type of relationship are you in right now? Take our "What type of relationship do you have?" quiz and have fun finding out more about your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you typically communicate with your partner when you're upset or angry?

A. I yell and express my anger openly

B. I try to calmly discuss the issue and find a resolution

C. I tend to withdraw and give the silent treatment

2. Do you often give gifts to your partner?

A. Rarely, I'm usually busy with other obligations

B. Frequently, we make it a priority to connect and have meaningful experiences together

C. Occasionally, it depends on our schedules and availability

3. How do you handle trust issues in your relationship?

A. I find it hard to trust and often doubt my partner's actions

B. I'm able to trust my partner and have open conversations about any concerns

C. I frequently feel insecure and struggle with trust

4. How do you handle disagreements or conflicts in your relationship?

A. I often avoid confrontation and sweep issues under the rug

B. We engage in healthy discussions and actively work towards finding a compromise

C. We argue frequently and struggle to find resolution

5. How do you handle disagreements over finances with your partner?

A. I have trouble discussing finances and tend to avoid the topic

B. We have open and honest conversations about money and find solutions together

C. We frequently argue about money and struggle to find common ground

6. How do you express affection toward your partner?

A. I struggle to express my feelings and emotions

B. I frequently show affection through words, gestures, and physical touch

C. I'm reserved and find it challenging to be affectionate

7. How do you support your partner during difficult times?

A. I tend to withdraw and avoid discussing their problems

B. I offer a listening ear and provide emotional support

C. I try to offer practical solutions and advice

8. How often do you engage in activities or hobbies together?

A. Rarely, we have separate interests and rarely find common ground

B. Regularly, we enjoy doing things together and have shared hobbies

C. Occasionally, we try to find activities we both enjoy

9. How do you handle disagreements with your partner's family or friends?

A. I avoid conflicts by keeping my opinions to myself

B. I express my concerns and try to find a resolution through open communication

C. I frequently argue and find it hard to get along with their loved ones

10. How do you handle personal boundaries in your relationship?

A. I often disregard my partner's boundaries and prioritize my own needs

B. We respect each other's boundaries and communicate effectively to maintain them

C. I struggle to set or maintain boundaries in the relationship

11. How do you handle disagreements when your partner has different values or beliefs?

A. I ignore the differences and avoid discussing sensitive topics

B. We have respectful discussions and try to understand each other's perspectives

C. We frequently argue and have difficulty finding common ground

12. How do you handle the division of household chores and responsibilities?

A. I often avoid tasks or expect my partner to take care of most things

B. We have a clear and fair distribution of chores, and we communicate about any issues or challenges

C. We frequently argue about responsibilities and struggle to find a balance

13. How often do you express appreciation or gratitude toward your partner?

A. Rarely, I find it difficult to express my feelings or appreciation

B. Frequently, we make an effort to acknowledge and celebrate each other's efforts or qualities

C. Occasionally, I struggle to express gratitude and often take things for granted

14. How do you handle personal growth and individual goals within your relationship?

A. I prioritize my own goals and personal development without considering the impact on the relationship

B. We support and encourage each other's personal growth while also nurturing the relationship

C. We often feel conflicted or jealous when one of us pursues personal goals

15. How do you feel about compromising in your relationship?

A. I struggle with compromising and often prioritize my own needs

B. I'm willing to compromise and find a balance that works for both of us

C. I rarely compromise and expect my partner to meet my needs

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