1. Are you in love with this guy?
2. Do you think this guy's in love with you too?
3. Do you feel some kind of mutual attraction between the two of you, when you are around each other?
4. Are you both shy in each other’s presence?
5. Do you feel like you are losing this guy to someone else?
6. Is it hard for you to keep all these emotions about this guy to yourself?
7. Are your feelings for him so strong that you are having trouble sleeping at night?
8. Do you think you should tell him because you know he is hesitating to tell you how he feels about you?
9. Are you curious to see how he will react once you tell him how you feel?
10. Do you feel like the more you keep your feelings to yourself, the more you suffer from anxiety?
11. How often do you find yourself daydreaming about this guy?
12. Have you noticed any signs of flirting or teasing from this guy?
13. Do you feel comfortable sharing your deepest thoughts and secrets with this guy?
14. How does this guy make you feel when you're together?
15. Have you observed any changes in his behavior when he's around you compared to others?