Are You Ready To Have Children Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 9519 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Are You Ready to Have Children Quiz?

Having children is a huge step in any couple’s life. After baby comes, nothing will ever be the same. If your relationship is a healthy one and you want to have children, your happiness will reach new heights. On the other hand, if you have unresolved issues in your relationship, the arrival of a child can make them worse. What you need to realize before taking this decision is that having children means putting their needs before yours and working harder to find time for you as a couple. Take this quiz and find out if you are ready to have children and take this huge step!

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel when you think about starting a family?

A. Calm and pleased about it

B. Euphoric

C. I have mixed feelings

D. Anxious

2. Do you think a baby will change your life?

A. Definitely, in both good and bad ways

B. I hope our life will be better

C. I hope our life will be pretty much the same

D. I am afraid I will totally lose my independence

3. How is your partner feeling about having a baby?

A. Totally fine and calm. We are on the same page

B. A bit anxious

C. Stressed

D. Terrified

4. Imagine you found out you or your partner is pregnant today. How would you feel?

A. Extremely happy and positive

B. Mostly pleased

C. We would have mixed feelings

D. Worried and unprepared

5. What is the reason you are thinking about starting a family?

A. We have always wanted to have a family together

B. It is the next logical step in our relationship

C. It would improve our relationship

D. Our families and friends expect us to do so

6. Suppose you had doubts about starting a family. Would you share them with your partner?

A. Absolutely

B. Probably

C. Not sure

D. No, I avoid tricky subjects

7. Have you ever discussed your views on parenting?

A. Yes, and they match

B. Yes, and they are mostly similar

C. Yes, and they are different

D. We haven't discussed this yet

8. Have you ever thought about getting extra support with raising your children – like grandparents?

A. Yes, our families have agreed to help us

B. We are prepared to manage on our own if necessary

C. We don't get on well with our families and the responsibilities will fall on us

D. We haven't thought about it

9. Having children has an impact on your family finances, more or less. Have you discussed this aspect?

A. We have already prepared a financial plan

B. Yes, and we have savings to help in the beginning

C. We will both have to keep working because there is no other solution

D. Money is a delicate subject in our relationship but we realize it might be a problem

10. How important are your comfort habits for you?

A. They are not vital, we are flexible

B. So-so, but not something that can't be changed

C. They are quite important

D. I couldn't live without a good night's sleep and having my coffee in peace in the morning

11. How good are you at taking care of things around you?

A. Quite good

B. Decently good

C. Manageable

D. Not very good

12. Do you have a baby in your extended family or close friends?

A. Yes, a few

B. Yes but we haven't meet them yet

C. I don't think so

D. I don't know

13. Are you okay with the fact that you might have to take a career break for raising a child?

A. Yes I'm prepared

B. It depends

C. Sometimes

D. Totally

14. Do you find a messy house unbearable?

A. Not really! It can be cleaned

B. It depends

C. Sometimes

D. Totally

15. Have you ever done babysitting?

A. Yes and I like it

B. No but I would like to

C. No idea about that

D. Never

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