Love Vs. Limerence Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 4560 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Love vs. Limerence Quiz
When in love, we all experience some intense emotions towards our partners. But when does infatuation become an addiction? Sometimes, acknowledging love vs. limerence in your connection can be very difficult. When we experience limerence, also known as love addiction, we get so caught up in thoughts and feelings about the other person, and we can hardly engage in anything else. We may become emotionally dependent on them and even do things we usually wouldn’t. If you are in a similar situation, see the questions below and feel free to take this love vs. limerence quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel around your partner?

A. Like my heart is going to explode, extremely nervous and a bit confused about it

B. A bit dizzy, anxious and excited at the same time

C. Feeling at home, calm and happy

2. Do you catch yourself constantly looking for cues of reciprocation?

A. Yes, I even start to think I may be obsessing a bit

B. Only at times, when I feel a bit more anxious

C. Rarely or not at all, I’m rather confident

3. And when you see they are reciprocating your feelings…

A. I feel exhilarated, euphoric even

B. I feel excited and happy

C. I feel joyous and fulfilled

4. Do you connect everything you see and experience with your partner?

A. Yes, all the time

B. It happens sometimes

C. No, it happens rather rarely

5. Do you experience intense and unwanted thoughts about them?

A. Yes, all the time

B. It happens sometimes

C. No, it happens rather rarely

6. Do you catch yourself overanalyzing every action, word, or gesture of your partner?

A. Yes, all the time

B. It happens sometimes

C. No, it happens rather rarely

7. Do you recall every virtual or real encounter with them in detail?

A. Yes, all the time

B. It happens sometimes

C. No, it happens rather rarely

8. Do you fear rejection from your partner?

A. Yes, I experience these intense negative emotions all the time

B. Sometimes, but the emotions don’t catch me off guard

C. No, I’m rather calm and confident in the relationship

9. Is there anything that you don’t like in your partner?

A. They seem perfect, and everything they do seems just right

B. They have some bad traits, yet I’m in love with the rest of their personality

C. They have both good and bad traits, and I lovingly accept them all

10. Do you catch yourself constantly rearranging activities just to spend more time with the other person?

A. Yes, all the time

B. It happens sometimes

C. No, it happens rather rarely

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