1. How much support do you get from your mom?
2. Does your mother treat you disrespectfully when you make decisions about your own life?
3. How much quality time do you spend with your mom?
4. Why do you and your mom argue so often?
5. Does your mother insult you?
6. Would your mother reject you as a son or daughter?
7. Does your mother try to promote a fun atmosphere in the home most of the time?
8. You're planning to introduce your new partner to your mother. What will happen when she meets them?
9. Have you ever found your mother tapping into your social media accounts to see whom you were "talking" to?
10. Do you think that she is fair enough?
11. How often does your mom acknowledge your achievements?
12. How does your mother respond when you share your problems with her?
13. How does your mother react to changes in your personal style or interests?
14. When you talk about your future plans, how does your mother react?
15. How does your mother express affection or love toward you?