Marriage Quizzes - Page 2

Should You Get a Divorce Quiz


Should You Get a Divorce Quiz

Getting a divorce is an important and tough decision. For starters, it involves ending a chapter in your life and feeling like you are giving up on a meaningful relationship. On the other hand, divorce comes with changes, such as finding a new home to live in, splitting your finances, and possibly changing your lifestyle if your spouse is the breadwinner. Not to mention, when you have children together – things become a lot more complicated. Take this quiz and find out if it’s time to make such a major life change.

 Am I Happy in My Relationship Quiz?


Am I Happy in My Relationship Quiz?

All relationships start out great when you both feel good about each other's presence and have so much planned for the future. But then, after a while, things always seem to change, and that happens for most people. 

It may turn out that you don't really have much in common, that you've lost interest in the relationship, or that you didn't expect things to go that far. This could lead to a lot of unhappiness for one of the partners or both of them. 

So, do you think you are happy in your relationship? Take our Am I Happy in My Relationship quiz and find out.

 Is My Partner a Narcissist Quiz?

Mental Health

Is My Partner a Narcissist Quiz?

Narcissism is not just thinking you look great and are smart; it is actually having a narcissistic personality disorder. Symptoms of this disorder include a grandiose sense of self-importance, dreaming of unlimited success and beauty, having a sense of entitlement, and lacking empathy, just to start with.

If you recognize these signs in your partner, take this ‘Is my partner a narcissist’ quiz to find out if you’re living with a narcissist!

 When Will I Get a Girlfriend Quiz?


When Will I Get a Girlfriend Quiz?

Being in a relationship is very crucial to most of us because most people don’t want to end up alone. A girlfriend can make you smile, make you feel good about yourself and also support you whenever you need support or tenderness. 

So, do you already know when you will get a girlfriend? If you are not sure and want to find out, have fun taking our ‘When will I get a girlfriend’ quiz now.

 Who Loves Who More Quiz?


Who Loves Who More Quiz?

Love is sometimes strange because you can never be guaranteed that it will last forever, that you won’t fight all the time, or that you will feel the same about one another. 

There’s always one person who loves the other person more, who is more patient, and, of course, who suffers more in the name of love. So, who do you think loves more when it comes to your relationship? Take our Who Loves Who quiz and find out now.

 Is Your Relationship Falling Apart Quiz?


Is Your Relationship Falling Apart Quiz?

Relationships are like delicate ecosystems, and sometimes, signs of trouble can start to surface. This quiz aims to help you recognize potential indicators that your relationship might be facing difficulties. Remember, every relationship has its ups and downs, and identifying issues is the first step toward addressing them. Whether you're seeking clarity or just checking in, this quiz can provide insights into the health of your relationship.

Let's begin and gain a better understanding of where things stand with this 'Is Your Relationship Falling Apart" quiz.

 Am I Demisexual Quiz?


Am I Demisexual Quiz?

When it comes to sexual orientation, there are so many different subcategories of broader categories that it is hard to really understand them all at once. Have you explored different sexual identity roles and are confused about which one best fits your desires and feelings toward a relationship? You are not alone. 

Navigating through all of these aspects of your sexual identity could be confusing and uncertain, but the answers you are looking for are all out there, and you will find them in time. 

If you are confused between asexual, graysexual, and demisexual, take this short 'Am I Demisexual quiz' to see which is most in line with your thoughts, beliefs, and desires when it comes to sexual relationships.

What Is Your Fetish Quiz


What Is Your Fetish Quiz

To an object, body part, or action? People have preferences for certain things. Some call these preferences fetishes. The nature of what is considered a fetish changes drastically depending on your culture. The word fetish boils down to liking/being attracted to something.

So, do you have any fetish, or do you not know about it yet? Find out with this 'What is Your Fetish Quiz.'