Marriage Quizzes - Page 101

 What Percent Wife Material Are You Quiz?


What Percent Wife Material Are You Quiz?

It’s no secret that society puts a lot of pressure on men and women to settle down. There is even the “biological clock” theory, which many people buy into. People around can make it seem like everyone is doing the right thing by getting married. You might be one of those people who has waited for marriage since childhood, planning out your perfect wedding in your head while waiting for the right partner? Do you like the idea of marriage, but aren't sure if it's for you? Or are you one of those people who would rather be set on fire than commit to one person for the rest of their lives? Take this ‘what percentage wife material are you’ quiz and figure out whether you fit the bill!
How Passionate Is Your Love Quiz


How Passionate Is Your Love Quiz

We all dream of a passionate love affair that could lead to an amazing love story. And it doesn’t even matter how old we are, we all wish we had a love life filled with excitement and so many reasons to stay in love and believe in someone. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to express their passion when it comes to relationships, and it is mostly due to time constraint. So, what type of relationship do you have? Is yours passionate? Take our quiz and find out.
 Am I Self Centered Quiz?


Am I Self Centered Quiz?

Generally, humans can be seen as working towards their selfish goals. But some people tend to overdo it. Being self centered for instance is an obsessive way of telling the world and everyone in it that you’re better than them. Being self centered reeks of narcissistic tendencies and superiority. 

‘Am I Self Centered’ quiz will help you uncover your level of self centeredness in society. It’s an ideal quiz to check whether you are self centered or not.

Am I Codependent Quiz


Am I Codependent Quiz

Do you feel like you constantly put other people’s needs before your own? Do you put all your time and energy into supporting other people and putting your own needs on the back burner? Do you focus more on the support you believe other people need and have everyone leaning on you and then find it hard to find someone to rely on when you need help yourself? These are all traits of a codependent person and can eventually lead to your own needs not being met, creating unhealthy relationship dynamics and depletion of your feelings of self-worth. Although you may have the best intentions, being codependent makes unhealthy boundaries and your own needs being pushed to the side most of the time. Are you codependent? Take this quiz now to find out.
Am I Dating an Alcoholic Quiz

Mental Health

Am I Dating an Alcoholic Quiz

“Do you feel like you have a great relationship most of the time, but when alcohol is involved it alw…” with “Is my partner an alcoholic? If you are disturbed by this thought of late, perhaps you are not happy …”
 How Much Do You Know About Sexuality Quiz?


How Much Do You Know About Sexuality Quiz?

Sex is taboo for certain people, but nowadays things seem to be changing because people are increasingly more open with their sexual preferences and identity. 

More people are getting in touch with different sides of their identity, people of different sexual orientations have the chance to get married, and more people identify as transexual too. 

So, how sexually educated or aware are you? Take our quiz and find out how much do you know about sexuality overall.

Crush Compatibility Quiz


Crush Compatibility Quiz

How compatible are you with your crush? Do you secretly wish you knew if you both would make a good couple or the fireworks you are feeling are nothing but a fatal attraction?  Are you confused if you should take the next step or wait for someone compatible? Luckily, this crush compatibility quiz will give you just a little bit more clarity. Answer these questions honestly, and you will have your answer in no time. Let’s dive in!
How To Know When To Get A Divorce Quiz


How To Know When To Get A Divorce Quiz

Marriage is great, especially for those who get along with their spouse just fine. For others, the dream that started with the beginning of the relationship and the marriage can turn into a nightmare after a while. Some will decide to stay together because there might be too much at stake like common assets; some would stay because their children are still too young and fragile to live through a separation. Overall, there are many reasons why people would prefer to get away from the possibilities of a divorce, and you, what do you think? When do you think it’s the right time to get a divorce? Take our quiz and find out now.