"Would You Rather" Couples Quiz

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10 Questions | Updated: Jun 05, 2023

Here is the "Would You Rather" Couples Quiz! "Would you rather" is a common game for couples having questions that are usually addressed to two people who are dating and getting to know each other better. 

They can be about anyone's preferences, dislikes, backgrounds, habits, or any other key matter on a personal level that will help you realize what type of a couple you are. Whatever your answer is, it will always lead to funny and amusing results.

Questions Excerpt

1. Would you rather travel to a new city or relax on a beach vacation?

A. A new city

B. Relaxing on a beach vacation sounds great

C. Not both, something entirely new

2. Would you rather stay in for a cozy night or go out for a fancy dinner?

A. I’d rather stay in for a cozy night

B. I’d rather go out for a fancy dinner

C. No both

3. Which would you rather wear for the rest of your life, including funerals and weddings: sweatpants or sequins for every occasion?

A. I'd rather prefer comfort and casual attire, so sweatpants might be the way to go

B. I'd rather enjoy standing out and making a statement, then sequins could be the better choice

C. Not sure

4. Which of these two options would you choose for the rest of your life: having every meal be slightly too spicy or slightly too sweet?

A. Slightly too spicy

B. Slightly too sweet

C. Not sure

5. Would you rather broadcast all your arguments with your partner on Instagram Live or give up using the internet altogether?

A. First option

B. Not sure

C. Second option

6. Which one would you rather give up permanently: receiving good morning texts or receiving good night texts?

A. Morning texts

B. Night texts

C. I can give up both

7. Which of these options would you prefer: holding your partner's hand for four hours straight every day or never holding it again?

A. I would love to hold their hands no matter how long as long as they are comfortable with it

B. I would prefer never to hold my partner's hand again because I'm not a very touchy-feely person, and four hours straight of holding hands every day would be too much for me

C. It's a difficult choice for me, as I value physical touch but also appreciate personal space and independence. I would need to weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision

8. Which one would you rather experience: losing your most cherished memory or knowing that you have already had your happiest moment in life?

A. I would rather know that I've already had my happiest moment in life because it would allow me to appreciate that moment even more and focus on creating new memories and experiences

B. I would prefer to not know that I've already had my happiest moment in life because it would make me feel like there's nothing left to look forward to or strive for, and it would be disheartening

C. It's a difficult choice for me because I value both memories and happiness. Ultimately, I would need to reflect on what's more important to me and what would bring me the most fulfillment in life

9. Which one would you prefer: being an hour early to every appointment or an hour late?

A. I would rather be an hour early to every appointment because it gives me time to prepare and gather my thoughts before any important meeting or event

B. I would prefer to be an hour late because I don't like to rush and I feel like being early wastes my time. I would rather arrive at my own pace, even if it means being a bit late

C. It's a difficult choice for me because I value punctuality but also don't want to waste my time waiting around for appointments. I would need to weigh the pros and cons of each option and consider the specific circumstances of each appointment before making a decision

10. Which option would you prefer: eating food with moldy jam on it once a day, or never having a meal with your partner again?

A. I would rather eat food with moldy jam on it once a day because having a meal with my partner is an important part of our relationship, and I couldn't imagine never doing it again

B. I would prefer to never have a meal with my partner again because the thought of eating moldy jam is too unpleasant and potentially harmful to my health

C. It's a tough choice, but I would need more information about the frequency and quantity of moldy jam in my meals, as well as the availability of alternative food options, before making a decision. If the amount of moldy jam is small and there are other food choices available, I might choose to continue having meals with my partner despite the occasional presence of moldy jam

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