Mental health Quizzes - Page 15

Anger Management Quiz - Do You Need Help?

Anger Management Quiz - Do You Need Help?

What triggers you the most? And do these things even make sense when you think about it? In other words, do the things that trigger you even worth being mad about, like for instance, someone being late, someone asking you a question twice, someone interrupting you or even someone asking you for advice? We often don’t realize that we need therapy until it’s too late, but if you think you have some anger issues, take our quiz and find out more about it.
Am I an Authoritarian Quiz

Am I an Authoritarian Quiz

The term 'authoritarian personality' originated with the writings of a German psychiatrist, Erin Fromm, in 1941. A person with this personality would have a strong aversion towards ambiguity and abstract thinking. If you prefer rigid rules and regulations and exhibit complete submission to authority, you might have wondered, "am I an authoritarian."rnWhether in power or ruled by power, authoritarians use and misuse power to manage their subordinates. An authoritarian personality usually forms during a person's formative years. And personality traits established at a young age have far-reaching effects on the individual as they grow up. Even if you have this personality or know someone who displays these traits, it would be wise to address it with the help of your social circles or a psychiatrist. Take this quiz to know if you are an authoritarian.
Do I Have Social Anxiety Disorder Quiz

Do I Have Social Anxiety Disorder Quiz

At some point in every person’s life, they experience some form of anxiety. It can be something as small as feeling anxious about an exam or going on a first date or as serious as chronic anxiety that creates regular panic attacks. Some forms of anxiety start to affect important aspects of your everyday life, such as going to work, spending time with friends, or doing the things you once enjoyed. If you are struggling with anxiety surrounding social situations and feel that it is affecting your ability to live a normal life, you want to consider if you have a social anxiety disorder. Take this short quiz to find out if you are right.
What Type of Therapist Do I Need?

What Type of Therapist Do I Need?

When you feel like your life is out of control, and there’s no way to fix it, a therapist or counselor can oftentimes be the best resource. While there is some stigma surrounding the idea of seeking professional mental help, the decision to get a therapist is vital for your health and happiness. If you’re having trouble deciding which type of therapist you need, take this What type of therapist do I need quiz and find out.
Personality Disorder Quiz - Are You Suffering From One

Personality Disorder Quiz - Are You Suffering From One

We are born precious, adorable, and as we grow into toddlers and young children, we look like individuals so full of hope and potential. But it is what happens in your house while you grow up that often determines your mental health, and in turn, your ability to become someone thriving and healthy one day. Our parents are supposed to guide us and lead us to become exemplary and just, but unfortunately, it is not always the case, which could lead us to become troubled people with complex personalities. So, do you have a personality disorder? Take our quiz and find out now.
Do I Have a Sociopath Boyfriend Quiz

Do I Have a Sociopath Boyfriend Quiz

You are not alone if the man of your dreams has suddenly morphed into someone that resembles more of a nightmare. If you find yourself questioning, “Is my boyfriend a sociopath?” you may need to be sure about this. Unfortunately, the thing that makes sociopaths so good at what they do is their ability to manipulate others into thinking they are lovely. Before you know it, you are second-guessing just about every aspect of your relationship and wondering when it all took a turn. The life you thought you were living has somehow unraveled, and you realize that your relationship is built on nothing but lies and deceit. Are you feeling this way? Has your boyfriend manipulated you into thinking you had an excellent relationship and you have started seeing the truth behind his lies? Do you have a sociopath boyfriend? Take this quiz to find out!
Are You Heartbroken Quiz

Are You Heartbroken Quiz

Relationships are messy and sometimes the way they end can be even messier. But regardless of whether you go through a good breakup or a bad one, and regardless of whether or not it was mutual, ending a relationship always hurts. If you’re wondering if you’re heartbroken, take this quick quiz to find out.
What Is Your Primary Feeling in Longing Quiz

What Is Your Primary Feeling in Longing Quiz

Have you ever felt the need to know what is your primary feeling in longing? The more that you know, the more that you will get to understand yourself. Some people feel that they already know themselves well enough. Then, by some twist of fate, they get to realize a few things that they never knew. You do not have to worry that there is going to be a right or wrong answer. This is a quiz that you can take so that you can know yourself better. There are some things that are true to what you are feeling. You will have a better idea about your primary feeling in longing after taking this quiz.