Do I Still Love My Ex Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 22215 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Do I Still Love My Ex Quiz
Whether they were your first love or just somebody you had a deep romantic connection with, it can be difficult to figure out if you still have feelings for them. If you’re trying to decide if you should go back to them or officially move on, take this quiz to help clear your mind!

Questions Excerpt

1. How did your relationship end with your ex?

A. They broke up with me

B. I broke up with them

C. We had a mutual ending to our relationship

2. Do you wish you could have a second chance with your ex?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. No, never!

C. Maybe

3. Have you been tempted to reach out to them?

A. Yes, all of the time

B. No

C. Sometimes

4. How often do you think about your ex?

A. Very often

B. Never

C. Every so often

5. Do you get jealous when you see them with someone else?

A. Yes, every time

B. No, they can have them

C. Only if they are more attractive than me

6. How long did it take you to recover from the breakup?

A. Still not over it

B. A few days

C. A couple of weeks or months

7. Do you blush or get shy when someone mentions your ex?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

8. Do you often reminisce about your relationship?

A. Yes

B. No, I’ve moved on

C. It depends on the day

9. Do you think about your ex even when you’re in another romantic relationship?

A. Yes, unfortunately

B. No, absolutely not

C. On rare occasions

10. If your ex asked you out again, what would you say?

A. Yes, of course!

B. No!

C. I don’t know

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