Marriage Quizzes - Page 164

Why Am I So Insecure?


Why Am I So Insecure?

Sometimes, our doubts can overwhelm us. It’s part of life to doubt, but where do these come from? For some of us, this insecurity can be overwhelming and affect all the decisions we make. When insecurity and doubt get in how we feel about ourselves, we have to find a way to deal with it but do that. We have to know where that insecurity is coming from.  It’s not always a bad thing and definitely not an abnormal thing to question ourselves, but hopefully, we can strive to feel secure in ourselves.
Wedding Vow Quiz- What Love Quote Is Best Suitable As Your Wedding Vow?


Wedding Vow Quiz- What Love Quote Is Best Suitable As Your Wedding Vow?

The easiest way to create your personalized wedding vow is to take a favorite love quote and develop around it. Take this quiz and find the love quote for your wedding vow!
 Why Did He Ghost Me Quiz?


Why Did He Ghost Me Quiz?

Are you getting anxious and a bit agitated that a guy you met recently is no longer responding to your text or picking your call? So you have a lot of thoughts about why he abruptly stopped communicating with you with no explanation whatsoever. 

You just wish he could say something, especially when you thought everything was going smoothly. Do not get all worked up; let's see how we can make sense of this situation by finding answers to your question, ‘Why did he ghost me?’ Come along, let's take his quiz.

 Intimacy or Sex, Which Force Drives Your Relationship Quiz?


Intimacy or Sex, Which Force Drives Your Relationship Quiz?

Each couple has their own way of bonding and living out their means of satisfaction in the relationship. This can be through entertainment or adventure, intimacy or intercourse. You practice the thing that is considered the "force" in your relationship, or the aspect in your relationship that holds it together. Some couples prefer to not perpetually have intercourse, while others do, and some have a balance between both. In this quiz, we will find whether or not intercourse or intimacy, which force drives your relationship. Which one dominates you? Take this quiz to find out.
Relationship Quizzes For Her


Relationship Quizzes For Her

It is much interesting to know what she thinks about you, what triggers her, what makes her happy or mad and many other things. Have you always wondered how it was like to be"her" in the relationship? If yes, take our quiz and find out more about your lover.
 Is It Love or Infatuation Quiz?


Is It Love or Infatuation Quiz?

Is this the real deal or will this pass? Especially early in a relationship, it can be hard to tell if what you are feeling for your partner is real love or if you are crushing really, really hard. What is the difference after all? Love takes some time but it’s worth it and it lasts. Infatuation may be over once the shine is gone. And sometimes, infatuation can mature into love. 

Take this Infatuation vs. Love Quiz to figure out if what you feel for that special someone is the real thing.

Is He Interested Quiz


Is He Interested Quiz

Men and women have different ways of expressing themselves. Men could get straight to the point but when it comes to expressing a romantic interest in someone, they become tongue-tied.

Thankfully, they end up making some gestures that can hint whether they like someone romantically or just like being friends with them. Want to know if a guy you know is interested in you? Take this Is He Interested Quiz and find out now!

Are You In A Codependent Marriage Quiz


Are You In A Codependent Marriage Quiz

Every marriage has times where you really need to lean on each other for support, and that’s how it should be. Healthy marriages are all about give-and-take and being able to rely on your spouse when you are struggling or going through a hard time and then being there for them to lean on when they are struggling as well. rnBut there is a drastic difference between healthily relying on each other and not being able to function without each other.You should never feel like you can’t make decisions, can’t support yourself, can’t meet your own needs, etc., without your spouse. That is an unhealthy attachment to that person that will likely crash and burn over time. So, it is important to recognize the signs and address them right away. Are you in a codependent marriage? Take this quiz to find out.