6 Parenting Skills to Start With

Every parent knows that it requires a lot of skills to be a good mother or father. No person is born with impeccable parenting skills.
There is no exemplary guide book available in the market that can teach you how to be a good parent. Every child is unique and needs to be tackled in a distinctive manner.
Of course, you can get parenting help and parenting tips in various books and on the internet but, good parenting skills come only with a lot of practice.
In fact, effective parenting skills are often developed along the way, through unflinching patience and by trial and error.
So, you don’t have to be bogged down by the pressure of inculcating better parenting skills or being labeled as ‘ good parents’ , as every parent in the world is a stalwart in being a good parent.
Nevertheless, if you still wish to leave no stone unturned to better parenting skills and wish to seek good parenting tips, the following list of basic parenting skills can be a good starting point for the adventure of a lifetime called ‘parenthood’.
1. Model positive behavior
We all usually tend to vehemently refute our parents’ or other elders’ advice, as we find their piece of advice boring and outdated.
Nevertheless, as our elders say it; it really is true that our children will, to a large extent, imitate what we do as parents.
So if we want our child to be truthful, loving, responsible, sensitive and hardworking, then we had better be doing our best to possess those attributes ourselves.
Words are very easy to say, but in the end, it is our behavior that makes the most lasting impression. So, it is imperative to model optimistic behavior as a part of good parenting.
2. Take time to listen
It is not necessary to preach prophecy every time you deal with your children. Your children might start dodging you if you always approach them with a mood to preach or change something about them.
It is essential for the parents to hear their children out, to be on the same page and hit an effective communication.
When we really take time to listen to our children we can learn so much from them. Not only about what is happening in their lives, but also about how they feel and what they might be struggling with.
Try to sit down together at some point every day and allow your child to speak without interruption. Mealtimes or bedtimes are good opportunities for this.
If your child is an introvert, you can take them out on a stroll and get them their favorite food or spend a day as they please to get them talking.
3. Communicate expectations clearly
When you listen to your children, they will be more willing to listen to you. Clear communication is what it’s all about, regardless of different parenting styles.
When you are explaining your expectations, make sure your child understands exactly what you want and what the consequences would be if your expectations are not met.
Don’t impose your expectations on your children when they are in no mood to listen. However important you think it is to communicate on the spur of the moment, and if your child is not in a receptive mood, all your expectations can go amiss.
4. Set reasonable boundaries
Children thrive when they know where the boundaries and limits are. However, if these are too restrictive or harsh, then the child may feel trapped and oppressed.
This is where you need the wisdom to find a happy balance where your child is safe but still has room to play and learn.
Define your boundaries, but set your child free to experiment and try out new things. It is okay if your child falters; they will evolve from their mistakes.
Although certain limits are necessary, your child needs to be given the freedom to explore the world around them, to not fear failure and develop the skills to recuperate despite and failure.
5. Be consistent with consequences
It is no use setting good boundaries if you are not going to enforce them. Every normal child needs to test those boundaries at least once to find out if you really meant what you said.
Now, here comes into the picture some smart and effective parenting skills, where you need to strike a balance between the freedom and the boundaries. And, certain boundaries are not to be fiddled with.
Here, you need to put your foot down, be firm about your expectations and make it clear to your child to not go beyond those limits.
By being firm and consistent you will build trust and your child will learn to respect you in times to come.
6. Show affection and love frequently
Of all the positive parenting skills, this is probably the most important characteristics of a good parent.
Make sure you hug your children every day and tell them how much you love them. Don’t think that showing off too much affection will spoil them.
When parents showcase restricted emotions and love for their children, it adversely hampers their personality. Such children face a higher risk of developing low self-esteem and lack confidence in facing people and the problems around them.
On the contrary, when children receive frequent affection and affirmation, both physically and verbally, they will know they are loved and accepted. This will give them a strong foundation and confidence to face the world.
These are some of the essential traits of a good parent. The takeaway is to not get bogged down with the thought of being the best parent and to not compare yourself with other parents that you know.
You can refer to some parenting skills activities to inculcate some positive traits, but eventually, trust your instincts, encourage them to become good human beings and keep loving them unconditionally.
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