Dating Quizzes - Page 9

Is She Losing Interest in Me Quiz

Is She Losing Interest in Me Quiz

To build a successful relationship, commitment, communication, and trust from both partners is needed. Most times, at the beginning of every relationship the above mentioned are always in place but as time goes on there’s every tendency for one of them to be found wanting. So, if you notice one of these factors is missing in your relationship, there’s a need to check yourselves again. Are you asking yourself, “Is she losing interest in me?” rnYou need to be sure that the relationship can either be sustained or called off for your well-being. Alternatively, if you feel you need to pay more attention to the ups and downs, these are some of the signs that she may be losing interest in you.
What Ethnicity Guy Should You Date Quiz

What Ethnicity Guy Should You Date Quiz

Dating a guy is all about getting to know him and if you’re both compatible in certain ways. Guys from various ethnicities have distinct qualities that attract women. This task of dating can be made even easier if you are aware of the various ethnicities and their distinct qualities in guys. If you have ever wondered what ethnicity you should date, take this ‘What ethnicity guy should you date quiz’ to find out.
 How Hot Are You on a Scale of 1 to 10 Quiz?

How Hot Are You on a Scale of 1 to 10 Quiz?

Obviously, we all want to be considered attractive, and our level of attractiveness controls many things in our lives both in our relationships with others and also our relationships with ourselves. If 1 was the least hot and 10 was the hottest person in the world, where do you think you would fall? Do you think your expectation of how hot you coincide with how others see you? Maybe you think you are more attractive than others, or others find you more attractive than you feel like you are. Either way, you can finally know the truth. Take this ‘how hot are you on a scale of 1 to 10 quiz now and find out how hot you are.
Is My Ex Girlfriend a Narcissist: Quiz

Is My Ex Girlfriend a Narcissist: Quiz

Sense of entitlement and lack of empathy are some of the significant characteristics of a narcissist. They tend to put their needs first, and they always want to get noticed. In relationships, a narcissist may have some of the listed behaviors, so if you find yourself in a relationship with a true narcissist as a partner, you are in danger of emotional blackmailing and other manipulative behaviors. Do you often wonder, “Is my ex-girlfriend a narcissist?” Take this quiz to find out.
What Kind of Flirt Are You Quiz

What Kind of Flirt Are You Quiz

Flirting is a great way to let someone you like know that you're interested in them. Whether you're just meeting someone for the first time or you want to send signs to a particular person, flirting is always the best place to start. If your goal is to step up your flirting game, you'll want first to identify exactly what kind of flirt you are. Are you a self-assured and confident flirt? Do you take a more humorous approach to garner attraction? Are you more into playing hard to get? Take this quiz to determine what your true flirting style is.
 Why Do I Like Older Men Quiz?

Why Do I Like Older Men Quiz?

Do you find older men appealing? If you're taking this quiz, the answer is yes. So, what's your main reason for doing so? For some, this is directly related to maturity or the support that they offer. Or are there other reasons? 

What feelings do your sparks for older men elicit in you? We hope that ‘Why do I like older men’ quiz will reveal to you the reasons behind your desire for older men!

Do I need a girlfriend?

Do I need a girlfriend?

You might want to have someone to share your good and bad moments with. Maybe you desire a mutually caring and romantic relationship. Your friends have their romantic partners, and you wish to have one too. Of course, you might be bored, and you need someone to share life issues with. Whatever the case might be, get ready to find out whether you’re ready to have a girlfriend or not.
Right Person, Wrong Time Quiz

Right Person, Wrong Time Quiz

Timing in love is an enigmatic force, often dictating the flow and fate of our most profound connections. It's the unseen variable that can align us with soulmates or place insurmountable obstacles in our path. The "Right Person, Wrong Time Quiz" is designed for those who find themselves pondering if their current romantic bond is a testament to this phenomenon.

This quiz invites you to explore the depth of your relationship through the lens of timing, offering insights into whether you've met the right person at a potentially wrong time. Engage with our carefully curated questions to uncover the role timing plays in your love story, providing clarity and guidance on navigating the complexities of love and timing.