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Susan Finnefrock
Susan Finnefrock, LPCC
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Welcome! If you are searching for a therapist, you are looking for relief or change in your life. For all of us, life can be hard at times and you are courageous to embark on this journey of discovery. I know what it is like to sit on the other side of the therapist's chair. I am honored and privileged to walk this part of your journey with you while instilling great hope for healing and wholeness. I work with children, adolescents, and adults and facilitate groups for women of partners or spouses experiencing sex addiction or sexual integrity issues.
I help clients find the source of issues through active listening and trust building in a safe and confidential environment while respecting individual timelines and processes. I encourage clients to live their best lives through developing self-identity with a focus on support and healing from anxiety, depression, eating disorders, abuse, and trauma.
Personal strengths include effective communication, a desire for deeper understanding, empathy, flexibility of therapeutic focus based on client need, and a true passion for helping clients experience a better way to live. Training in play therapy, expressive arts, mindfulness, and progressive relaxation augments traditional talk therapy, offering a more individualized therapeutic approach.
I specialize in betrayal and relational trauma. I am not a traditional marriage therapist as I work specifically with those who have experienced betrayal trauma primarily from infidelity, sex addication, or sexual integrity issues by a spouse or partner. I believe that it is crucial to build a foundation for healing of the trauma first and foremost. This is often missed in traditional couple's therapy.
If you believe that God is who He says He is and what He says about you is true, then restoration and irdemptiona n you marriage is not only possible, it can be the catalyst for experiencing healing ans wholeness beyond what you can imagine. I know, I have lived it.
If you are a couple, individual, or a woman in need of a support group, please give me a call. I provide free consults in support of your journey to find the right therapeutic fit for you.
Susan Finnefrock is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Denver
Susan Finnefrock received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado and completed her MA from the Grace College and Theological Seminary.Licensing & Certifications:
- Licensed
- License State: Denver
- License Number: 16600, received 2020
- National Counseling Certification
Types of Therapy:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Psychodynamic Therapy
- Behavioral Therapy
Services Provided Via:
- In person
- Internet meeting
Works With:
- Individual
- Couples
- Group
Working With Marriages for:
- 5 Year(s)
Free Phone Consultations?
- Yes
Hourly Fees Range:
- $100 - $150
Language(s) Spoken:
- English