Marriage Quizzes - Page 88

Is My Boyfriend a Simp Quiz


Is My Boyfriend a Simp Quiz

"Is my boyfriend a simp?" If you have any doubts, this quiz is perfect for you! Is he treating you like a celebrity or a queen? Is he showing too much interest, or is he showing too little? Is he frequently making baby noises to you? There appear to be some indicators, so there is only one thing left to discover. Take this quiz to find out if your boyfriend is a simp or not! Let’s dive in!

Future Love Quiz


Future Love Quiz

When you fall in love, the whole world seems to conspire so that you see only love in its mirror. It is a sweet intoxication. Everyone is your friend more than ever.  Everything is softened and transfigured: you can float in a rose-colored cloud and wish upon the first stars. Have you ever wondered how your future love life would be? Take this fun future love quiz to find out more!
 Is My Boyfriend Better Than My Ex-Husband Quiz?


Is My Boyfriend Better Than My Ex-Husband Quiz?

Do you ever compare your current partner with your ex-husband? Do you ever think about who is better for you and is more capable of keeping you happy? This quiz focuses on some qualities women like to see in a man, such as good listening skills and helping with children. Take the quiz to know if your boyfriend is better than your ex-husband.

 Is My Husband a Covert Narcissist Quiz?

Mental Health

Is My Husband a Covert Narcissist Quiz?

Does your husband exhibit subtle manipulative behavior? Does he indirectly seek control in your relationship? Have you noticed that your partner exhibits traits of feeling superior and tends to envy others thinking they don’t deserve what they have? Your husband might just be a covert narcissist. Especially when they show signs of passive aggression and portray a strong desire for recognition. 

Take this ‘Is my husband a covert narcissist’ quiz and find out yourself!

 Do You Know About Marriage Separation and Divorce Laws Quiz


Do You Know About Marriage Separation and Divorce Laws Quiz

Laws are often difficult to understand, especially the ones related to marriage separation and divorce. These laws will have an impact on your finances, the terms of your divorce, custody of your children et cetera, However, it is important to have an awareness about these laws as they can help you prepare for what you are going to need if you choose to separate from your spouse. 

So, how strong is your knowledge of marriage separation and divorce from the legal point of view? Take this quiz to find out if you are in the know!

 Your Relationship’s Communication Assessment Quiz


Your Relationship’s Communication Assessment Quiz

They say that communication is a key factor when it comes to the success of a relationship. But despite that, you still have people who don’t make that effort to open up, listen, and pay attention to what their significant other is saying and vice versa. 

So, are you good when it comes to communicating with your lover or are you stuck and stubborn? Take our relationship communication assessment quiz and find out the type of communicator you and your partner are.

 Am I Being Sexually Harassed Quiz?


Am I Being Sexually Harassed Quiz?

Are you being put into uncomfortable situations by someone you are uninterested in? Do their advances continue after you have clearly passed them off? You should never be put into situations that you are uncomfortable with; you should feel safe in your environment. If you are questioning advances or want to clarify your situation, take our quiz, “Am I Being Sexually Harassed?” Get the answers you need to get to a safer and more comfortable space.

Do I Love My Partner More Than They Love Me Quiz


Do I Love My Partner More Than They Love Me Quiz

Do you ever feel like you try too hard in your relationship to make things work? Do you ever wonder if you love your partner more than they love you? Do you ever feel like you care about your partner and your relationship way more than your partner does? It could be a very awful feeling when you start to feel like you are giving more than your partner in a relationship or that you love your partner more than they love you. It could also be very difficult to bring this topic up to your partner, especially if you are not sure if this is just how you feel or if it is really true. Every relationship needs balance and for each partner to give equally as much as the other one. Neither person’s needs, feelings or thoughts are less important than the other persons and they should never feel that way. Take this ‘Do I love my partner more than they love me quiz’ to reveal the truth.