Marriage Quizzes - Page 68

 Am I Lovable Quiz?


Am I Lovable Quiz?

Have you ever wondered if you are genuinely lovable? Has anyone ever asked you if you know how to let love in? Has anyone ever really loved you?

If you are questioning any of these things, you might also wonder if you can be loved or not. From the time we are born, humans are innately lovable. But sometimes, the ways you received love and were shown love, or lack of love, from a very early age affects you for the rest of your life. 

Suppose you are not consistently loved, and your needs are not consistently met by your parents/caregivers when you are a child. In that case, you may develop attachment issues that could, unfortunately, create feelings in yourself that you are not worthy of love, inadvertently making you unable to accept or trust authentic love.

Take this ‘Am I lovable quiz’ to find out how lovable you are.

 How Intimate Is Your Relationship Quiz?


How Intimate Is Your Relationship Quiz?

Intimacy is one of the foundations of a healthy relationship. Couples that have a deep intimate relationship usually stay happily together for much longer. Having an intimate relationship means that you and your partner should feel comfortable with each other and share everything together. 

To know how intimate is your relationship, take this quiz:

 Are My Parents Gaslighting Me Quiz


Are My Parents Gaslighting Me Quiz

Gaslighting is a term that has become more common in the pop psychology world. It essentially describes a manipulation that occurs in abusive relationships, in which the abuser makes the victim question their own reality. One person may deny making a statement they did make, or they might convince the other person that they are “crazy” or too sensitive.If you don’t have a healthy relationship with your parents or have suffered from emotional abuse, the “Are My Parents Gaslighting Me?” quiz can provide you with some insight.
 Am I a Sex Addict Quiz?


Am I a Sex Addict Quiz?

Addiction can be scary, and the most terrifying part is that when you’re addicted to something, you don’t realize it, so you don’t seek the help you need. Sex addiction is one such addiction that can take over someone’s life. Sex is a normal part of an individual’s life, and therefore, it is hard to recognize sometimes when it turns into an addiction that can impact your mental, physical and social health. It can potentially impact your relationships by making you unable to focus on your loved ones and their priorities. But a healthy enjoyment of sex is not a negative thing. It is harmful only when it becomes an addiction, and you cannot focus on anything else. So, if you find yourself asking, ‘am I a sex addict,’ do not ignore the signs. Take this quick quiz to find out if you have a sex addiction and if you should seek help.
Couple Communication Quiz


Couple Communication Quiz

Communication is one of the most fascinating fields to analyze, and it takes place between the smallest animals to the most advanced intelligence forms like human beings. How well you communicate decides the fate of your relationship and how you spend every day – happy and pleased or angry and with thoughts of revenge going through your head. 

This quiz will let you know how well you communicate as a couple. Answer the questions in this couple communication quiz to get further insight into how you and your partner are interacting with each other.

 Am I an Introvert or Extrovert Quiz?


Am I an Introvert or Extrovert Quiz?

Have you often found yourself asking, “Am I an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert?”

An introvert is a person who can be social and outgoing when they need to or in certain situations but would prefer to spend their time alone or in small groups. An extrovert is a person who feeds off of attention and enjoys being in social situations instead of being alone. 

There is also another category people can fall into called ambiverts, which describes a more ambidextrous person when it comes to how they react to other people. Ambiverts can be more introverted at times and extroverted if they are in the right setting or around the right people. 

While introverts and extroverts tend to be on more of a spectrum depending on the person, the ambivert would fall right in the middle with the ability to bounce back and forth between the two. 

Which one are you? Take this short ‘Am I an introvert or extrovert’ quiz to find out!

 Is My Wife Selfish Quiz?


Is My Wife Selfish Quiz?

Every healthy relationship has its share of ups and downs, but in a healthy relationship, these ups and downs are centered around both people. However, in a relationship with a selfish wife, the ups and downs may seem solely dictated by her mood, feelings, and needs. 

This creates a feeling that the world revolves around her, and your emotions or desires most often get pushed to the side and go unresolved. If this sounds familiar to you and if you have been perturbed with the thought, is my wife selfish, take this short ‘Is my wife selfish quiz’ to find out for sure!

Q:1 Do you feel like most of your relationship is dictated by what she wants or how she feels?

 What's Your Romance Type Quiz?


What's Your Romance Type Quiz?

When you hear about romance, you think about fairy tales, princess gowns, and men who behave like real princes. The reality is not very far from it because present-day romantics love to impress with over-the-top performances, flowers, jewelry, and even champagne. 

At the end of the day, they will do anything to woo the object of their desire. So, when it comes to you, what type of romance do you like? Take our What's Your Romance Type quiz to find out more about you.