Corte Madera   ›   Ann Cerney

Ann Cerney, LPCC
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor | Verified Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Claimed

Ann Cerney, LPCC, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Corte Madera, CA


I have been trained in the Doherty Approach, which is focused on the interactional patterns of couples. It is a relational approach, rather than focusing on individual psychology. Couples learn to identify their patterns of interacting which lead to circular communication. They begin to feel empowered when they are speaking the same language about these patterns and their roles in them. When couples are able to notice their patterns, and intervene in those, they gain traction in communicating with each other. Their patterns can be intentionally shifted, with this type of support and intervention.

Ann Cerney is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Corte Madera

Licensing & Certifications:

  • Licensed
  • License State: California, Illinois
  • License Number: CALPCC 7899 and 180.009955, received
  • Mediation trained, Collaborative Divorce, Discernment Counseling

My Articles

7 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Divorce


7 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Divorce

It s something that you ve thought about for a long time. You ve been dissatisfied with your marriage for years, yet when New Year s day comes around, ...