Do I Have Attachment Issues Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 10206 | Updated: Sep 23, 2022
 Do I Have Attachment Issues Quiz?

There are times in our lives when we prefer being left alone. We enjoy our space and also don’t want to be alone. But we need to attain a balance between the two. rnYou may relate your need for space as an issue with yourself. Or you are actually finding it hard to attach yourself with another person. Take this ‘Do I have attachment issues quiz’ to find out what is stopping you from feeling detached or less attached.

Questions Excerpt

1. You often need reassurance that your loved ones care about you. True or False?

A. True

B. Somewhat true

C. False

2. You worry constantly about your romantic relationships. True or False?

A. True

B. Somewhat true

C. False

3. You react strongly to perceived criticism. True or False?

A. True

B. Somewhat true

C. False

4. You don’t like to depend on others. True or False?

A. True

B. Somewhat true

C. False

5. You pull away when someone starts to get close to you. True or False?

A. True

B. Somewhat true

C. False

6. Do you like living alone or with people?

A. Alone

B. With people who respect my space

C. I wish there were a middle ground

7. What are the things that you love and hate about living with people?

A. Love the company, hate the intrusion

B. Love the idea of having people around, hate the pressure to entertain

C. I don’t enjoy having company

8. Have you heard from anyone that you seem to have commitment issues?

A. Yes, and I am working on it

B. No, but that’s what I think

C. Yes, but I don’t think they are right

9. Were you really close to your guardians while growing up?

A. Yes, we were, and I miss them

B. Not really close, but we were always on good terms

C. No, I never felt attached to them

10. Do you prefer working alone or with a team?

A. Absolutely alone

B. I love good teams

C. I am fine either way

11. What is your idea of an ideal marriage?

A. A loyal commitment

B. Raising children

C. A great friendship

12. Do you talk to anyone when you feel low?

A. No, I just try to distract myself

B. Yes, I have a few worthy friends

C. Sometimes, not always

13. Do you like the idea of being in a relationship between equals?

A. Yes, it has to be an equal partnership

B. Yes, but sometimes it is necessary to take the lead

C. I can’t participate without playing the power-dynamic

14. Do you help people when they need you the most?

A. I can not handle crises

B. Yes, always

C. Yes, but I am sometimes hard to reach

15. Which of the following books can you relate to the most?

A. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

B. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

C. Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling

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