How Well Do You Know The Attachment Project Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Oct 03, 2023
 How Well Do You Know the Attachment Project Quiz?

The Attachment Project is an essential psychological framework that explores how early relationships influence our emotional bonds and behavior in adult relationships. The ‘How Well Do You Know the Attachment Project quiz’ aims to test your knowledge of attachment theory and its key concepts. Whether you're a psychology enthusiast or simply curious, let's see how well you understand this fascinating subject.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who is the pioneer of attachment theory?

A. B.F. Skinner

B. Carl Rogers

C. John Bowlby

2. Who is the pioneer of attachment theory?

A. B.F. Skinner

B. Carl Rogers

C. John Bowlby

3. What is the primary focus of attachment theory?

A. The influence of genetics on personality

B. How early relationships impact adult behavior

C. The study of unconscious desires

4. What is the primary focus of attachment theory?

A. The influence of genetics on personality

B. How early relationships impact adult behavior

C. The study of unconscious desires

5. Which of the following attachment styles is characterized by a fear of intimacy and a desire for independence?

A. Secure attachment

B. Anxious attachment

C. Avoidant attachment

6. Which of the following attachment styles is characterized by a fear of intimacy and a desire for independence?

A. Secure attachment

B. Anxious attachment

C. Avoidant attachment

7. What is the term for the behavior of seeking physical and emotional closeness with a caregiver when distressed?

A. Autonomy

B. Secure base

C. Independence

8. What is the term for the behavior of seeking physical and emotional closeness with a caregiver when distressed?

A. Autonomy

B. Secure base

C. Independence

9. What attachment style is associated with the belief that others are unreliable and untrustworthy in relationships?

A. Secure attachment

B. Anxious attachment

C. Avoidant attachment

10. What attachment style is associated with the belief that others are unreliable and untrustworthy in relationships?

A. Secure attachment

B. Anxious attachment

C. Avoidant attachment

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