Am I Married To A Narcissist Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 12312 | Updated: Feb 27, 2024
Am I Married to a Narcissist Quiz

Narcissists as we all know them, are very confident and perhaps, too confident about themselves. The problem is when you befriend one, or worse, when you marry one, their behavior or beliefs can become toxic to the relationship or your emotional health. So, do you think you are married to a narcissist? Take our ‘Am I married to a narcissist quiz’ and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you still love your partner?

A. Yes, because they are amazing

B. Yes, because they are all I've got

C. No, because I am fed up of them

D. No, because I feel unsure around them

2. Do you think your relationship has a chance despite their behavior?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but they have to change

C. No

D. No, not with this attitude

3. Does you partner think he/she is the center of the world?

A. Yes, and it's sickening

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Only because people make them feel this way

D. No, not at all

4. Does your partner flirt with other people in front of you?

A. Yes, all the time

B. They flirt but not in front of me

C. Yes, sometimes, but it's just to get back at me

D. No, they would never do that

5. Do you have doubts about your partner's feelings for you?

A. Yes, because they are too focused on themself

B. Yes, because they never tell me how much they love me

C. No, because they prove they care

D. No, because they are an amazing person

6. Does your partner try to isolate you from your friends and family?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Never

D. A few times

7. Do you feel dominated by your partner?

A. Yes Always

B. Sometimes

C. Never

D. Yes

8. Does your partner lack empathy?

A. Yes Always

B. Sometimes

C. Never

D. Absolutely

9. Has your partner ever been physically abusive?

A. Yes Always

B. No

C. Never

D. I am scared they might be

10. Is their attitude towards everything: “My way or the highway?”

A. Always

B. No

C. Never

D. Yes

11. What do you wish your partner could do less of?

A. Look at themselves in the mirror

B. Praise themselves too much

C. Talk about themself all the time

D. Think that they are perfect

12. Does your partner know that they are a narcissist?

A. Yes

B. No, but I can't wait to break it down to them

C. Yes, but they are in denial

D. No, I doubt it

13. Do you feel like your partner respects you?

A. Yes, of course

B. I have no doubts about it

C. No, not at all

D. No, they are just horrible about this

14. Do you feel like you connect well with your partner?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Only when I have the energy to deal with them

D. No, not at all

15. What do you wish your partner could do more?

A. Tell me how much they care about me

B. Talk about others in a positive way

C. Water the plants

D. Workout

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