Are You In A Toxic Relationship Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 114860 | Updated: Aug 20, 2023
 Are You in a Toxic Relationship Quiz?

Everyone craves a heaven-on-earth relationship with their significant other, characterized by mutual respect, sensitivity, communication, and constructive criticism amidst others. The truth is, there aren't any relationships without their fair share of challenges. Still, how these challenges are resolved and the lessons learned to forge ahead is one mark of a healthy relationship.
A lot of people in toxic relationships hardly even notice the red flags when they pop up because they are often too carried away in love. It's essential to watch out for some pattern in your relationship to ensure that it isn't toxic.
Here are a couple of questions you could answer that would help ascertain whether you are in a toxic relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. How does your partner act after a heated argument or conflict that they initiated?

A. They apologize and then make a frantic effort to get better

B. They don't own up but try to make up by initiating dates and buying flowers

C. They act indifferently like the conflict is no big deal

D. They avoid you afterward, expecting me to come to apologize to them

2. When you attempt to communicate about issues that are a source of concern in your relationship, what’s your partner’s reaction?

A. They listen with rapt attention and truly want to know the way forward for us both

B. They listen but don't indulge me but try to make amends afterward

C. They are indifferent, acting as if I worry unnecessarily

D. It ends up in a fight, with them acting up all defensive

3. Often, when you both have an engagement and one of you needs to make a sacrifice, what happens?

A. We both deliberate on which engagement should be sacrificed, and as a team, we settle for the engagement that is of more priority

B. They make the sacrifice without as much as seeking my opinion about it

C. They don't suggest or make any recommendations as they are bent on attending their engagement, leaving me with no option but to make the sacrifice

D. They consistently ask me to give up on my engagements and appointments like it's not an issue to even deliberate on

4. When you are faced with a challenge, what happens?

A. I don't seem alone; like a team, we both face the issue headlong, with my partner encouraging me all the way through

B. My partner is present all the way but hardly gives any words of solidarity or support

C. My partner doesn't make anything serious out of my ordeal

D. My partner seem to have more important commitments than being by my side

5. Whenever a disagreement is brewing, what happens?

A. We both disagree to agree

B. My partner doesn't indulge, leaving me to my views but becomes moody afterward

C. My partner jokes over the issue, not even giving it a second thought

D. My partner leaves the issue being talked about and attacks me verbally, bringing in past events

6. When calls or text messages come in at odd hours, probably due to the nature of your job that steals your attention when you are together, how does your partner react?

A. My significant other addresses the issue, encouraging me to set boundaries.

B. They don't talk about it but start to act withdrawn

C. Acts like it's no big deal

D. Gets angry, confronts me, and starts scrolling through my messages in my absence

7. Something didn’t go right for you in public, what happens?

A. My partner covers up for me making light of the situation so I don't feel awkward

B. My partner stands in there with me without saying a word

C. My partner watches and laughs at my display, not taking it seriously

D. My partner publicly reprimands me, drawing obvious attention to my flaws and dissociating from me

8. How do they treat you in public?

A. They give me all the attention, stroking my hair from time to time, and we hold hands proudly

B. Sits with me but doesn't make any physical contact

C. They are all over the place and don't feel like they should be stuck to my side alone

D. Completely abandon me; like I was absent

9. How does your partner treat your relationship with others?

A. They respect my friends and family and bond with them

B. They are very civil with my friends and family. They acknowledge them but do not attempt to bond.

C. They are indifferent about them and carry on like they don't exist

D. They try to alienate me from them and are often rude in dealing with people that are related to me

10. How do they respond to issues that concern you?

A. They give it priority and a sense of urgency; ensuring the issues are sorted out excellently

B. They often take their time to get the issues sorted out properly

C. They handle it but with no sense of urgency or concern for improvement

D. They have more important issues on their list to tend to and often suggest me deal with my issues myself

11. How do they react when you achieve a personal goal or success?

A. They celebrate and show genuine happiness for my achievement

B. They acknowledge it, but the excitement seems forced or lacking

C. They seem uninterested or dismissive of my accomplishment

D. They show jealousy or try to downplay my success

12. What happens when you express a different opinion or disagree with your partner?

A. We have respectful discussions and try to understand each other's perspectives

B. They listen but don't seem open to changing their opinion

C. They dismiss my opinion or belittle my views

D. They get angry and start arguing, unwilling to accept any disagreement

13. How often do they apologize when they make a mistake?

A. They take responsibility and apologize sincerely

B. They apologize, but it feels insincere or reluctant

C. They rarely apologize and prefer to avoid acknowledging their mistakes

D. They hardly ever apologize and often blame others instead

14. How do they handle your emotional needs or moments of vulnerability?

A. They offer support and comfort, being attentive to my emotions

B. They try to help but may not fully understand or connect emotionally

C. They seem distant or dismissive when I'm emotional

D. They show little to no empathy and may even mock or criticize my emotions

15. When you voice concerns about their behavior, how do they react?

A. They listen, reflect, and make an effort to change their behavior

B. They listen but may not take immediate action to address the concerns

C. They dismiss my concerns or become defensive

D. They get angry, blame me, or refuse to acknowledge any issues

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